
HyPare is a newly designed tool based on the PARE algorithm (Predicting Association Rate
Enhancement). With HyPare you can find hotspots for association, and thus, engineer your
proteins for faster and tighter binding. (a couple of precomputed analysis 1A4Y, 1JTG )

PDB file(s)
to work on
example A,B,1A4Y
chains , PDB id or upload
chains , PDB id or upload
chains , PDB id or upload

Running conditions first PDB entry is wild-type and rest are mutants.
calculate energy and find hotspots.
calculate energy only.

Experimental Ionic strength
Association rate

TargetIonic strenght

Charge rules
use default charge rules
append my own charge rules
use my own charge rules only
upload charge rules
use residues and heteroatoms,
use residues only.

HyPare© 1.54 (2004,2013,2017,2021)
by Yossi Shaul, Gideon Schreiber and Jaime Prilusky
Weizmann Institute of Science